Participation and collaboration in the project: “Concrete Recommendations for Energy Resources through Geological-Geophysical Studies

Participation and collaboration in the project: “Concrete Recommendations for Energy Resources through Geological-Geophysical Studies. Redefinition of Oil and Gas Reserves in Accordance with EU Standards, Including Unconventional Oil” – Contracting Institution: National Agency of Natural Resources, Tirana 2011-2014. (L. Hanelli)

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Fakulteti i Inxhinierisë Matematike dhe Inxhinierisë Fizike (FIMIF) njofton se më datën 6 Shkurt 2025, në

Fakulteti i Inxhinierisë Matematike dhe Inxhinierisë Fizike (FIMIF) njofton se më datën 5 Shkurt 2025, në