To bring together leading academic scientists, researchers
and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results regarding Applied Sciences and Engineering.
To provide special forums for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovative issues, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field on Applied Sciences and Engineering.
Scope and Topics
International Conference on Applied Sciences and Engineering will provide an excellent international academic forum for sharing knowledge and results in methodology and applications on Applied Sciences and Engineering . The main objective is to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results regarding on Applied Sciences and Engineering . Authors are requested to contribute to the conference by submitting papers that illustrate research results, projects, surveying work, industrial experiences.
The participation in this international conference may be under following categories:
Original Research Articles
Published Articles
Research Poster
Dissertation/ PhD Synopsis
Research Abstract
Listener/ Co-author
Prospective authors are invited to submit Full Papers/ Abstract of Original Research work or, Synopsis of PhD/Dissertation, Published work, View-points or Way Forward/ Posters online at the conference webpage.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following;
Linear Algebra, Algebraic Geometry
Fuzzy Set Theory, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Algebra
Discrete Mathematics, Theory of Fractals
Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis
Integral and Differential Equations
Data analysis, time series, mathematical statistics,
Biostatistics, econometrics, modeling and simulation, sampling techniques,
Statistical application, statistics education
Actuarial and financial statistics
Methodologies and applications on operations research.
Other Areas of Statistics
Solving ODEs and PDEs Models, Boundary Element Methods
Numerical Techniques, Numerical Optimization
Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Image Processing
Parallel Processing in Computational Mathematics
Materials Science and Engineering;
Energy and Environment;
Medical Physics;
Earth Sciences
Linguistic theory and practice
The impact of Francophonie as a bridge between teaching and research